If you create a Master Password you will be asked to enter it once per session when Firefox retrieves saved information protected by the password.
Please make sure you remember the Master Password you have set.If you forget your Master Password , you will be unable to access any of the information protected by it.
Web browser is storing all passwords in your computer-Anyone can see it-So
Follow this post carefully,Do each step one by one
To get all saved passwords-Hack all secret passwords you entered-Gmail,Yahoo or any websites
Start Firefox Web browser > Click on Menu Tools > Option > Security Tab > Password Section > Click on Saved passwords
[click on picture to enlarge]
Normally it will show Site Name and Username
To show passwords also - Click on Show passwords [ Located Right bottom side ]
If you have a master password,It will ask to enter
Listen here - If you dont have a master passwords-We can see the passwords
So anyone can see your passwords-Here your password is not secured-So immediately do following
Create a Master password Now
Click on Menu Tools > Option > Security Tab > Password Section > Click on Use a Master Password >Type a password > Click OK
ENJOY AND PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sign up here with your email
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